Schroer [Schroerer, Schörer], Jacob Samuel Elias Friedrich Schmersahl & Christian Thomasius.

Wohlgemeintes Bedenken über des Thomasii redivivi oder herren M. Eliä Friederich Schmersahls... Erster und Zwenyter Stück der sogen. natürlichen Erklärung der Geschichte Sauls mit der Betriegerin zu Endor.I B. Sam. XXVIII. [Manuscript]. [Wittenberg:] Germany: [Johann Tzschiedrich,]  [1753.] c1890. 8vo. 71, [9 blank]p. Late 19thc. 1/2 vellum over German marbled paper, title in ms. on spine, underlines in red pencil; stamp of "Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Institut fur deutsche Volkskunde." From the Adolf Spamer Collection. Maunuscript copy of a printed work in black ink in a clear German hand on fine paper. Jacob Samuel Schroeers (1691-?)was a preacher in Wildhayn and Mucherehna in Torgau. Elias Friedrich Schmersahl,1719-1775, was an important Lutheran theologian and literary historian. This work is a reply to Christian Thomasius (1655-1728) who denied, after some study, the idea of a personal devil. He denied the possibility of a pact with the devil though, under pressure, he admitted the possibility of the existence of witchcraft. Adolf Spamer, 1883-1953, important German folklorist. His works on mysticism and folklore are essential readings for modern scholarship. He international reputation was of the first rank of scholars and his extensive library was given to the [former] Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, at the Institut fur deutsche Volkskunde. This manuscript was part of that gift and has been deaquisitioned by the Institute. In a clear late 19th c. German hand from an unidentified scholar. Sadly someone has removed the owner/scribe's name from the front end-paper.        Occult. Witchcraft. Bible. Religion. Theology. Witch of Endor. Manuscript.         DP20079   $300.00

Titus Didacus Placidus de. John Cooper, trans. & comm.

Primium Mobile, With Theses To The Theory. And Canons For Practice; wherein is demonstrated, From Astronomical And Philosophical Principles, The Nature And Extent Of Celestial Influx Upon The Mental Faculties and orporeal Affections of Man....[Corrected copy with additions in hand]. London: David & Dickson, [c.1815]. First Cooper Edition.  8vo. xv, 462p. Half calf over boards, title label in gilt on spine, edges rubbed, head of spine slightly worn. Small hole to iii, one letter in text affected. Index in manuscript. Numerous notes and corrections in pencil, “not for sale” in pencil on title (Cooper or publishers copy?) With frontispiece and astrological charts in text. Placido Titi (d.1668) of Perugia, monk of the Olivet Congregation, was one of the last staunch advocates of astrology.  "Placido held that the heavens acted upon the earth only by their light, thus abandoning any occult influence. If there were other stars in the sky than those we see, they do not act on us. As for the tides, however, he holds that the sun and moon do not draw the waters of the sea as a magnet attracts iron, but cause the tides by rarefaction and condensation." [-Thorndike].   Gardenr, Astrologica, 1227. Cantamessa 4507.          Occult. Astrology. Astronomy. Science.            DP20058   $250.00

Saverien, Alexandre.

Histoire des Progrès de l'Espirit Humain dans les Sciences et dans les Arts qui en Dépendent.  Histoire Naturelle, Savoir: L'Uranologie. La Géologie & La Minéralogie. La Lithologie. L'Hydrologie. La Botanique. L'Antropologie. La Quadrupédologie. L'Ornithologie. L'Insetéologie. L'Icthyologie. La Conchyologie. Paris: Chez Humblot, 1778. 8vo. a6, A-2K8, 2L7, 2M2. Complete. xii, 542, [4]p. 1/4 modern calf, marbled boards, corners worn.  Black morocco label on spine, with title in gilt lettering.  Marbled edges and endpapers.  Light browning and foxing.  Bookplate of Charles Atoowd Kofoid (1865-1947), on front pastedown. Text in French. Saverien (1720-1805)mathematician, marine engineer, philosopher and historian. This is a volume of Saverien's survey of human thought (eventually four volumes). Each volume deals with a branch of human knowlege, in this case, natural history and science, and each volume stands as a separate work in its own right. Charles Atwood Kofoid (bookplate), leader in protosoology and limnology, developer of what came to be known as the Kofoid Bucket, a device used to collect planktonic samples. He was a leading member of the faculty at Berkeley, a graduate of Harvard and author to many books. OCLC: 8147008.   

Natural History. Science. Zoology. Plankton.            DP20042   $200.00

Thomas A'Kempis  P. de Gonnelieu, ed.

Thomae a Kempis LIbri Quatuor de Imitatione Christi, Additâ cuique Capitulo Exercitatione Spirituali, & Precatione; Quam Gallico primum sermone tractavit Gonnelieu è Societate Jesu; Deinde plurium bono Alius ejusdem Societatis Sacerdos Germanicè reddidit; Nunc Ex Germanico sermone in Latinum traduxit Alius ex eâdem Societate Sacerdos. Cologne: Servatius Noethen, 1724. 12mo. †-2†12,A-2B12. [45], 1-594, [6]. Full decorated vellum, banded, clasps (2) missing. Some worm damage on spine. Browning. Rust holes [from clasps] to outer margins of first and last few leaves, no loss of text, touches border of frontis, but no affect. Bookplate Mater Dolorosa. Edges red. Engraved frontispiece. Bookplate with portrait of Mary on front paste-down endpaper. Thomas à Kempis, Author of the "Imitation of Christ", born at Kempen in the Diocese of Cologne, in 1379 or 1380; died 25 July, 1471. The "Imitaiton of Christ is "a work of spiritual devotion, also sometimes called the "Following of Christ". Its purpose is to instruct the soul in Christian perfection with Christ as the Divine Model. It consists of a series of counsels of perfection written in Latin in a familiar and even colloquial style, and is divided into four parts or books: 1. Useful admonitions for a spiritual life, 2. Admonitions concerning spiritual things; 3. Of interior consolation; 4. Of the Blessed Sacrament. "With the exception of the Bible, it is perhaps the most widely read spiritual book in the world. " [-Catholic Ency].   Backer, A'Kempis, 340       Religion. Christ. Bible. Theology.              DP20030   $200.00

Strong, Peter R.

Awful! And Other Jingles. New York: G.P. Putnam & Sons, 1871. 8vo. viii, 148p. Publishers red cloth with title in gilt on cover and spine, very minor wear at spine ends. Second free endpaper with very small clean tear to outer margin, no affect. Extra engraved title with a vignette illustrating a child shooting an angel with a rifle. Contains “In Memoriam Charles Dickens” written the day of Dickens’ death. An excellent copy of a scarce book.

Poetry. Poems. Humor. Charles Dickens.                DP20001   $70.00

Steele, Sir Richard.

The Funeral And The Tender Husband: Comedies. London: for J[acob]T[onson], 1712. [bound with] The Lying Lover: Or, The Ladies Friendship. A Comedy. Second Edition. London: for Bernard Lintott, 1712. [London:] [Jacob Tonson,] 1712. 12mo. 2 vols in 1. [24],81,[3],[12], 98-160,[4];[10],80,[2]p. Modern calf-backed marbled boards,spine banded, title label, some minor toning a few minor rust marks, otherwise  a nice copy. Combining the three plays, this copy predates the first collected works (Dramatick Works of Sir Richard Steele) by eleven years (London: 1723). Steele, (bap. 1672, d. 1729), writer and politician. "The Funeral was published by Jacob Tonson in December (with the date 1702 on the title-page), to coincide with the opening of the comedy at the Drury Lane Theatre in that month... With incidental music by Daniel Purcell, The Funeral had ‘more than expected Success’ (Cibber, 153). Years later Steele looked back on his triumphant début: ‘Nothing can make the Town so fond of a Man as a successful Play’ (Steele, Apology, in Tracts, 339). The play, with its patriotic motifs, apparently attracted the favourable attention of the king himself...Steele was also writing another play, according to plausible local tradition working on it at the Queen's Arms in Harwich. The Lying Lover, produced at Drury Lane in December 1703, ran for only six performances, producing two benefit nights for the author but little else. Steele's dedication of the printed play, published by Bernard Lintott, was to the second duke of Ormond, then raising a new regiment of dragoons. The dedication secured him no appointment. ... Steele was back in London to stay in the spring of 1705, witnessing the production of his third play and preparing to marry for the first time. The Tender Husband, a comedy, had a brief initial run, and only one author's benefit performance in April 1705. It returned to Drury Lane for performances later in the year and remained a staple of the London stage repertory for many decades, without remuneration for the author. It is significant that Steele did not have another new play produced until many years later when he was a partner in the Drury Lane management and thus able to reap rewards both as author and as manager." [-ODNB]    

ESTC T9516 & T9517.      Drama. Plays. Theater. English literature.       DP20008  $200.00

Stark, Johann Friederich.

Tagliches Hand-Buch in guten und bosen Tagen, das ist: 1. Für Gefunde, 2. Für Betrbre, 3. Für Krancke, 4. Für Sterbende. Wie auch Sprüche, Seufzer, und Gebete, ben Sterbenden fürzusprechen Nebst den Fest-Undachten...[with] Tägliches Gebet-Büchlein, Das ist Aufmunterung, Gebete und Gesänge für Schwangere, Gebährende und Sechswöchnerinnen, Morgen- und Abend-Gebete, Trost- und Erquickunge-Andachten, samt Gesängen... Stuttgart: Johann Christoph Betulius, 1766-7. 8vo. 2 pts in 1 vol. [8], 656, [8], 130, [2]p. Contemp full cross-hatched calf, spine worn at hinges on bottom, browning, some finger soiling to edges of few leaves. First title page with some dampstains and soiling. First title page in red and black (second title in black ink), 4 Full page engravings of religious subjects, decorative elements. Stark (1680-1756) career was marked  by a mild, practical Pietism and for over thirty years he taught in private devotional meetings in Frankfurt. "He exerted a far reaching influence by his numerous devotional writings. His principal work, which made him a household name in all Evangelical Germany, is Tägliches Handbuch..." [-Schaff-Herzog]. Goedeke IV,219:20,1.    Religion. Theology. Germany.   DP20014  $8500

Dark Parks Books & Collectibles

Titus, Didacus Placidus de.   John Cooper, trans.

Primum Mobile, With Theses to the Theory and Canons For Practice; wherein is demonstrated, From Astronomical And Philosophical Principles, The nature And Extant Of Celestial Influx Upon The Mental Faculties and Corporeal Afections of Man... London: Davis & Dickson, [1814]. First edition. 8vo. xvi, 462p. Recent re-back calf spine gilt rule with black title label over new marbled boards. Some foxing and light browning. Title page slightly soiled. Lacks frontispiece, not uncommon. With numerous astrological text charts. Placido Titi (d.1668) of Perugia, monk of the Olivet Congregation, was one of the last staunch advocates of astrology. Thorndike describes him as "a sort pf patron saint for astrologers in the second half of the seventeenth century," who "lent something like the odor of sanctity to that sorely beset art." Thorndike VIII,302ff. "Placido held that the heavens acted upon the earth only by their light, thus abandoning any occult influence. If there were other stars in the sky than those we see, they do not act on us. As for the tides, however, he holds that the sun and moon do not draw the waters of the sea as a magnet attracts iron, but cause the tides by rarefaction and condensation." [-Thorndike]. Originally written by 17th century monk & atrsonomer Placidus de Titus - translated here in a first edition by mathematics teacher John Cooper. Cooper has added 30 natal charts of the “most eminent men in Europe”.     DP20570   $500.00

Ulloa, Antonio de & George Juan.

A Voyage To South America. Describing At Large The Spanish Cities Towns Provinces &c on that extensive Continent... Together With The Natural as well as Commercial History of the Country. And an account of their Gold and Silver Mines.... In Two Volumes. London: Printed for L. Davis & C. Reymers, 1760. Second edition revised and corrected. 8vo. 2 vols. xx, [4], 498, [4], 410, [18]p. Two volumes. Modern fine binding antique calf spines fully decorated in floral gilt. New endpapers. Some plates with minor repairs at folds no affect. Title pages with some minor browning around outer edges. Volume one with some minor dampstains to very outer margin of last few leaves no affect. Volume two with some minor dampstains to very outer margin of first few leaves no affect. Overall a nice set and scarce in this good of condition. With seven folding plates. English translation by J. Adams of Ulloa’s Relacion historica del viage a la America Meridional [Madrid: 1748]. The most accurate description of South America at the time. A scientific voyage of two Spanish Captains Antonio de Ulloa (1716-1795) & Jorge Juan y Santacilia (1713-1773) initiated by the French Academy of Sciences in 1735. Book describes the geography, natives, trades, climate, etc of South America.      ESTC: T138368. Maslen & Lancaster. Bowyer ledgers 4282.         South America. Peru. Spain. Travel. Discovery. Illustrated. Mining. Gold. Silver. Science. Maps. Cartography. Archaeology.      DP20523   $1000.00

Simonis, Johanne.

Analysis Et Explicatio Lectionum Masorethicarum Kethibhan Et Karjan Vulgo Dictarum Ea Forma Qua Illae In Textu S. Exstant Ordine Alphabetico Digesta... Explicatio Epicreson Masorethicarum Quae Singulis Libris Biblicus Subjivi Ut Et Notarum Marinalium... Dictionarum Veteris Testamentii Hebraeo-Chaldacium ...  Halae [Halle]: Sumbtibus Orphanatrophei, 1740-1760s. 8vo. Three volumes in one. 80, 48, 75p. Modern quarter leather over marbled boards to match period, new endpapers. Leaves with minor toning and some light browning/foxing as usual for period German paper. Minor edge wear to few leaves with no affect overall a very good copy of a scarce book. text in Latin and Hebrew. First two works with no date, circa 1750s-1760s. Third work dated 1741. Scarce. Second edition of first work and third work, stated.  No dates for first and second work but third work dated 1741. Johanne Simonis (1698-1768) German Protestant theologian and Orientalist. In 1718 enrolled at University of Hales became a tutor and devoted his studies to theology and ancient languages. In 1744 he took over the full professorship of church history and antiquities at the University of Halle. His lectures included church history of the Old and New Testaments, Hebrew, Greek and Roman antiquity, Arabic and Samaritan and his oriental language research. Simonis was best known for his Hebrew and Chaldean Lexicon first published in Latin in 1756 and repeatedly printed afterward. [-See German Wiki]. OCLC lists only 7 copies of first work and gives it a circa 1766 date though we find two other copies in the past that state a possible 1750 date.       DP20456   $750.00

Hebrew. Latin. Religion. Judaica. Bible. Theology.

Sigourney, Mrs. L.H.

The Girls Reading Book In Prose And Poetry. For Schools. New York: Clement & Packard, 1843. 343p. Custom binding modern brown cloth over boards title gilt to spine. Newer endpapers with gilt stars. Title page and first few pages slightly trimmed no affect. Corners rounded no affect. Some light foxing throughout. Overall a very good copy of a scarce early American education book for girls. Priced to go.     Education. Girls. Girls education. Early America. Schools. Prose. Poetry. Literature. Americana.    DP20542   $40.00

Smith, Henrie.

Gods Arrow Against Atheists. London: Imprinted by F[elix].K[ingston] for Thomas Pauier, 1609. 4to. A-F8, G4. Third edition. Rare. Rebacked modern calf, gilt borders to bands, red title label, over new marbled boards. New endpapers. Corners slightly rounded, minor soiling and some light dampstains to outer margins, title with contemporary ink note “AB” at inner margin. Lacks blanks. Overall, a nice copy of a scarce work. “This work by Henry Smith (1550-1591) is a gem. However, Henry Smith is little known. Smith’s works are comprehensively outstanding... He lived only a short time (dying at the age of 41, although some documentation exists showing he may have died at 51). He was a second generation reformer and a precursor to Puritanism... he fills a gap in his lifetime of rubbing shoulders with the fathers of puritanism (men like William Perkins, William Ames and Thomas Cratwright, as well as his mentor Richard Greenham. In his day he was known as a powerful preacher - the “prime preacher of the nation”. This particular book was one of Smiths most popular works, and went through dozens of editions and reprints during his lifetime (his sermons in general had gone through eighty-five editions by 1620). Gods Arrow focuses on utterly destroying paganism, Islam and Roman Catholicism, with an exhortation to unite Christ’s church in the truth rather than divide it.” [-McMahon, editor, preface to Gods Arrow Against Atheists, 2012]. “His (Smith) preaching brought him such fame that he was known as ‘silver-tongued-Smith’... In Gods Arrow Against Atheists he not only attacks Muslims but other opponents of the Christianity of the Church of England, from atheists, infidels throughout the world, and Roman Catholics, to Brownists and Barrowists. His conclusion is that ‘the Church of England is the true Church of God from which it is utterly unlawfull to make a separation.” [- Pailin, Attitudes to Other Religions, 1984].
STC 22725 mentions that editions of STC 22737 and 22667 are called for in the table of contents of “The Sermons of Master Henry Smith” (1604). Because different publishers held the copyright of each book, editions were not often printed simultaneously. Therefore (like our edition), each book is treated as a separate entity.      DP20232   $850.00

Scott, Walter.

The Life Of John Dryden. [Limited edition of 50 copies]. Edinburgh: Printed for William Miller and James Ballantyne, 1808. First edition. Limited quarto edition of only 50 copies. 4to. [vi], 532p. Original cloth rebacked at an early date preserving the original spine, wear and rubbing to edges and corners, title label rubbed. Some foxing at start and end of book but mostly clean with very large margins. Inside front board endpaper with ghosting of old bookplate, also first blank with small ink dot, no affect to content. Overall a very good copy of a scarce edition. With engraved frontipiece. John Dryden (1631-1700) was a poet, literary critic, playwright and translator. Hew rote his first poems when working in the civil service under Oliver Cromwell. He was appointed the first official Poet Laureate in 1668 serving King Charles II and then King James II. Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) well known author and editor.     DP20462   $350.00

Sears, Robert.

The Wonders of the World... With Several Hundred Illustrative Embellishments. New York: Robert Sears, 1856. 'Second Series'. 544p. Custom modern binding. Red cloth over thick boards with itle in gilt to spine newer artistic orange designed endpapers. Fully illuustrated throughout and with full-page plates. Minor ghosting to the verso of first title page no affect. Some very minor foxing but overall a very nice clean and crisp copy of this scarce and wonderous book. Priced to go. Comprehensive library of the wonders of the world with hundreds of fascinating illustrations.     Wonders of the world. Curiosities. Wonders. Animals. Antiquities. Plants. Botany. Edifices. Trees. Birds. Manners and customs. Indians. Tribes. Weird. Illustrated. Robert Sears.     DP20550   $150.00

Stock, Christian. Fischer, Johann Fridereich, ed.

Clavis Linguae Sanctae Veteris Testamenti Vocabulorum Significationes Tum Generales Tum Speciales Ordine concinno Exhibens Tam Tironum Quam Homiletices Et Exegeseos Cultorum Studiis Aprime Inserviens Ac Subinde Concordantiarum Vicem Supplens Cui Accedit Breve Dictionarium Chaldaeotal Mudicorabbinicum Sextum Edita Cura Joh. Frider. Fischeri. Leipzig: Weidman, 1753. 8vo. *8, A-4V8. [14], 1414, [7]p. Contemporary calf, banded, red label with gilt lettering on spine, gilt floral decorations. Hinges started, wear to edges, minor peeling to back board. Light browning, per usual, else a very good copy. Engraved frontispiece of Stock. Stock was a celebrated scholar and orientalist born at Camburg in 1672. He became a professor at Jena in 1717 and died in 1733. "...the principal merit of Gousset and his follower, of whom the principal is Chr. Stock, consists in the attention they paid to the usus loquendi of Scripture..." [-Kitto, Cyclopediae of Biblical Literature,255].

Ersch, Philologischen 24. Clarke/Harwood 123 (732 ed.)Orme, Bibl. Biblica 421 "this is the best edition."   Hebrew. Judaica. Bible. Theology. Linguistics.

DP20168   $100.00

Sprat, Thomas.

Observations On Monsieur de Sorbier’s Voyage Into England. Savoy: John Martyn and James Allestry, 1668. Second edition. Scarce. 12mo. A-L12 [lacks one blank at end, text complete]. [2], 256p. Contemporary calf, gilt rules at edges, rebacked, gilt title label on spine, hinges started.. Small stain at inner margin of title, few leaves trimmed close at top, no affect, few minor foxing spots, else a fine copy. Sprat, Thomas (bap. 1635, d. 1713), bishop of Rochester. "The council's [Royal Society]interventions were a response to Samuel Sorbière's Relation d'un voyage en Angleterre (May 1664). While generally complimentary to the Royal Society (of which he was a fellow), Sorbière criticized certain English institutions and implicitly challenged England's leadership in natural philosophy. Charles II forbade the Royal Society to answer the Relation. None the less, conscious that a failure to reply might jeopardize the society's prestige and support, Sprat set aside the History to write the very critical and unfair Observations on Monsieur de Sorbier's ‘Voyage into England’ (1665), addressed as a letter to Christopher Wren. Sprat twisted Sorbière's comments to permit a more vehement defence. He challenged Sorbière's sketch of Hobbes and Bacon, emphasizing the differences between dogmatism and experimentalism, while privileging the society's Baconian methods." [-ODNB].       ESTC: R16773. Wing S5046.

Exploration. Travel. History. England.           DP20161   $350.00

Saint Germain [Pierre de LaVergne de Tressan].

Examen General De Tous Les E’Tats Et Conditions, Et Des Pechez Que L’on Y Peut Commettre. Tire de l’Ecriture, des Conciles, des Peres,et des Ordonnances de nos Roys. Pour servir d’instruction aux P’enitens & aux Confesseurs, qui veulent travailler serieusement au salut des Ames. Paris: Guillaume Desprez: 1670. First Edition. Very rare. 8vo. a8, e1, A-2G 8&4 alternating, 2F4. [18], 343, [1]p. Contemporary calf, floral gilt and title to spine, chipping at head of spine, minor worming on front board, edges speckled red. Minor foxing, else a very nice copy. All states and conditions of sins we can commit, drawn from scripture, councils, father, and ordinances of kings, divided by professions. We have found no auction or sales records for this edition. Rare.       OCLC 478694925 (only 1 copy, Denmark).        

Sins. Religion. Theology.            DP20157   $400.00

Schowart, Anton Wilhelm. Charles Blount, trans.

Observations Historical and Genealogical: In Which The Originals of the Emperor, Kings, Electors, And other the Soverign Princes of Europe. With A Series of their Births, Matches, more Remarkable Actions, and Deaths, As Also The Augmentations, Decreasings, and Pretences of each Family, are drawn down to the Year MDCXC. London: J. Walthoe, 1693. First English Edition. 8vo. A-2H8. [16], 480, [1]p. Old calf, worn, title on spine label, hinges started. Schowart was professor of history at Frankfurt. The translator takes time to mention an error overlooked by the licenser, Edmund Bohun. There was no love lost between these two men. Blount having laid a trap for Bohun with the licensing of a pamphlet that caused Bohun's fall from grace.          Wing S892. ESTC: R12594.        History. Genealogy. Royalty.           DP20127   $125.00

Someren, Johan van.

Herstelde Oudtheyt, Ofte Beschriivinge van Batavia, Wesende een Gedeelte van't Hertoghdom Gelre Ende Graafschap Hollandt. Niemegen: Andries van Hoogenhuysen, 1657. First Edition. Rare. 4to. *-2*4, 3*2, A-3F4, 3G2. [18],399,[21]pp. Old vellum, blind rule, ms. title on spine, yapp fore-edge.Someren (1622-1676) is described as a pensioner of the city of Nimegen, he authored a work on Julius Caesar as well as this history of "Batavia."        History. Holland. Netherlands. Batavia.         DP20119   $300.00

Stevens, George Alexander. A Lecture on Heads, which is added, An Essay on Satire. With Forty-Seven Heads by Nesbit, From Designs by Thurston. London: W. Wilson, 1806. 8vo. xi, [2], 113, [1], 24p. Contemporary binding, gilted edges, worn, rubbed and cracked. Spine with leather loss, boards still holding tight. Title page with old owner’s sig. Some light foxing and a few pencil notes. Fronstipiece and multiple text cuts. “An illustrated edition of Stevens’ satirical monologue, the most popular British one-man show of the 18th century. Stevens made his fortune with this series of characterisations upon the follies of the day” [-DNB]. Characters. Satire. Humor.       DP20110   $100.00

Taylor, Jeremy.

[The Great Exemplar] The First Part of The History of The Life and Death of the Holy Iesus.  Beginning At the Annuntiation to the Blessed Virgin Mary, until his Baptism and Temptation, Inclusively. With Consideration and Discourses upon the several parts of the Story, and Prayers fitted to the several Mysteries. [with] The Second Part of The History of THe Life and Death of the Holy Iesus. Begining At the time of his first Miracle, untill the second Yeare of His Preaching. With Considerations and Discourses uon teh severall parts of teh story, and Prayers fitted to the severall Mysteries [with] The Third Part of THe History fo The Life and Death of the Holy Iesus. Beginning At the second yeer of his Preaching untill his Ascension.  With Considerations and Discourses upon the  severall parts of the Story, and Prayers fitted to the severall Mysteries.  London: R.N., 1649. First Edition. Rare. 8vo. 3 parts in 1. [π1], a-e4, [-A1]A2-8, B-K8, L4; π2, 2A-2K8, 2L4; ¶2, 3A-3L8, 3M-3O4. [42], 3-166, [2]; [4], 168; [4], 182, [18]p. Contemporary calf, rebacked, blind tooled ruling and panelling, corners worn. Banded spine, black leather label with title in gilt lettering.  Light browning and foxing, occasional dampstain. Marginal notes in lead pencil. Repair to L2, no affect. Very minor wormholes in lower left corners of a1-d4, but never effecting text.  Lacks general t.p., otherwise text complete. Taylor (1613-67), Bishop of Down, was an anglican chaplain to Charles I.  A supporter of Laud, he treated both Presbyterians and Catholics with some severity; today he is noted largely for his devotional writings.  Wing T342. ESTC:R236314. Wither to Prior III,117.         Religion. Jesus Christ. Philosophy. Theology.       DP20115   $400.00